Monday, January 25, 2021

Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass is known by the scientific name Cymbopogon citratuslemongrass smells just like lemons, but milder & sweeter. It has been commonly used for culinary, cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Lemongrass essential oil is extracted through the process of steam distillation of dried lemongrass.The oil is yellow or amber like colour with a strong lemon like smell (citrus scent).The main constituents of it's essential oil are Myrcene, Citronellal, Geranyl Acetate, Nerol, Geraniol, Neral, Limonene and Citral. At present it is cultivated throughout tropical asia and in India it largely grows it in the state of Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka.

In Oriental Research Institute in Mysore,India Lemongrass oil is used to manuscripts that were written on brittle palm leaves.The oil not only keeps the palm leaves supple precenting them from breaking but also keeps the manuscript dry.In addition to that it also helps in keeping the leaves free from decay and insects. 

Lemongrass oil is tremendously benefical in many aspects as it is considered to reduce pain and inflammation. It is effective in inhibiting bacterial or microbial infections. It not only helps to remove gas from intestine, but also stops further gas from forming. Its is an antipyretic and because of this property it is often served in tea.  Lemongrass oil helps to cure cellulite, fungal infections and digestive problems while simultaenously reducing excessive perspiration. Lemongrass Oil boosts self esteem, confidence, hope and mental strength, and it uplifts spirits and fights depression.

Lemongrass is often used in making tea,which is one of the best and easy way of consuming it. Lemongrass oil is likely to irritate the skin and produce other types of irritations too. Hence it should be avoided during pregnancy, and kept away from the eyes.

Lemongrass Essential Oil can be used in blends with the essential oils of Basil, Cedar Wood, Coriander, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender and Tea Tree.